Healthcare Services

Healthcare Visitation Services, volunteer holding hands with cancer patient

Healthcare Visitation Services with CanCare

CanCare partners with hospitals and treatment centers in Houston, TX to provide immediate, in-person one-on-one cancer support services to cancer patients and their caregivers currently undergoing medical treatment. Volunteers work in conjunction with medical staff to offer emotional support to patients, their families, and their caregivers while they are receiving treatment. CanCare volunteers in Houston are available onsite to speak with patients and caregivers about questions and concerns or to simply provide reassurance and hope during the cancer journey.

Healthcare Visitation Services, man visiting woman with cancer
Healthcare Visitation Services, woman visiting woman with cancer

Healthcare Visitation Volunteers with CanCare

CanCare cancer survivor and caregiver volunteers have the opportunity to serve in healthcare settings in the Houston area.

Onboarding Process and Orientation with Healthcare Partners

To serve as a healthcare visitation volunteer, you must have completed CanCare’s emotional support training program, as well as an onboarding process with the healthcare partner at which you will serve. Each healthcare location has its own requirements, orientation and onboarding offered by the hospital or treatment center in which volunteers choose to provide support.

Shadowing Experienced Hospital Volunteers

Once volunteers have completed the onboarding processes for both CanCare and the healthcare partner, new volunteers then “shadow” an experienced hospital volunteer to observe how in-person emotional support is provided in the healthcare setting. When the new healthcare volunteer is comfortable with providing support to patients and caregivers, they typically choose a 2-4 hour block of time each week to volunteer at the specific hospital or treatment center location.

Healthcare Visitation Services, volunteer holding hands with cancer patient

Role and Purpose of CanCare Healthcare Volunteers

The purpose of a CanCare healthcare volunteer is to be a survivor or caregiver by the side of those newly diagnosed and/or undergoing cancer treatment at the healthcare location. Unlike our other services, this is an in-person volunteer opportunity.CanCare healthcare volunteers are a symbol of survivorship, they listen and comfort patients and caregivers, they are an ambassador for both the hospital or treatment center and CanCare, and they offer CanCare’s one-on-one support program, support groups, and other resources when appropriate.

Consistent Visitation Schedule and Location Requirements

Healthcare Volunteers establish a consistent visitation schedule at their location in accordance with the needs and requirements of the location. Usually services are provided Monday through Friday during business hours 8AM – 5PM. Typically, healthcare volunteers choose a day each week and visit for a 2-4 hour block of time. Visits take place in the waiting area of radiation departments, infusion clinics, breast care centers, doctor’s offices and inpatient units.

"We consider CanCare a critical part of our cancer care team. The emotional support they provide our patients is integral to their survivorship journey and health outcomes."

Shelita Anderson, MBA, RN
System Oncology Nursing Director • Memorial Hermann Health System

Attending Healthcare Volunteer Meetings

Healthcare volunteers also attend healthcare volunteer meetings to build teamwork and strengthen relations with CanCare and our healthcare partners.

To find out more about becoming a healthcare partner – contact us at

"I didn't even expect for someone other than my family and friends to visit me. I was very thankful he took the time to
visit patients going through a rough time like myself. I had lost hope.
We talked for a while, he mostly listened to me as I had a lot say and the millions of questions to ask since I knew he was a cancer survivor. It made me feel like there was hope, and that if he made it, I could too."

CanCare Client and CanCare Support Volunteer

Healthcare Referral Services

Whether you are a healthcare partner or a healthcare provider in the cancer community, CanCare is your source for emotional support of your patients and their loved ones.  CanCare helps healthcare organizations meet their Commission on Cancer Standards in three key areas:

  1. 4.5 Palliative Care Services:  Palliative care services include psychosocial support for patients and families on site or by referral
  2. 4.8 Survivorship Program:  Survivorship program services may include psychological support and support groups and services.  Services can be on site or by referral.
  3. 5.2 Psychosocial Distress Screening:  Procedures are in place to provide patient access to psychosocial services onsite or by referral.

We invite healthcare providers serving the cancer community to make a referral to CanCare for One-on-One services or Support groups.

Simplified Referral Process Through The Cancare Website

Referrals are easy to complete through our dedicated Healthcare Referral link on our CanCare website. Once the request is submitted we will reach out to the patient or the referred family member to see how we can support them.At the beginning of each month we will provide you with a report of the referrals you’ve made and how we have helped. We know that communication and coordination are important aspects of care.

Custom Survivorship Support

CanCare is your source for psychosocial, emotional support.  In addition to One-on-One support, support groups and visitation services, we can also customize survivorship support to meet the needs of your organization and your community.  We can provide training and education, curate survivorship events and engage in special projects and initiatives.

To learn more about how CanCare can provide survivorship support for your hospital or cancer treatment center, contact us at