Seasons of Light
By: Kris Kerlin, Director of Mission Impact
It is at the darkest time of year, where the days are shortest, that we celebrate holidays and traditions of light to illuminate that which would otherwise be in the shadows.
As a CanCare community, our mission of being a survivor or caregiver by the side of anyone touched by cancer, is about bringing light into the emotionally dark places of the cancer journey all year round. And it takes a community – our donors, our community partners, our volunteers, our clients to create an experience of connection for those whose lives are disrupted by cancer.
Thank you all for making it possible to light the way with hope!
Together, this year, we have:
- Touched over 1400 lives through 1:1 match connections, the most in the history of CanCare
- Supported nearly 400 attendees in our survivor, caregiver and stage 4 survivors support groups
- Welcomed 91 new volunteers into our CanCare family, from 13 different states
- Spent over 2000 hours in hospital and treatment centers providing in person support to patients and caregivers in the midst of treatment
- Recorded nearly 6000 hours of service by our volunteers
- Spread awareness of CanCare in community events in churches, schools and conferences
- Prayed together in weekly Prayer and Praise meetings
May the peace and hope of the season be with you and your families!
In joyful anticipation of a bright, shiny, new 2024!