Online Cancer Caregiver Support Group

Caregiving is challenging and is a unique journey. Join us for our online cancer caregiver support group to share the joys and challenges of caregiving. We are here for your because cancer affects everyone who loves a person with cancer. If you love someone with cancer, whether you are a spouse, parent, child, sibling, co-worker, friend – you may need support also. And no one needs to go through it alone.
We hope to see you on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month for our caregiver support group at 4:00PM Central time. This is a professionally facilitated, peer-based support group featuring a CanCare Volunteer Caregiver as a speaker. Come share in the experience strength and hope of our CanCare Volunteer Caregiver and share your experience as a caregiver, if you choose – talking and listening are both fine ways to participate.
Email for meeting ID and passcode.