Frank's Journey

Highlighted this month is a volunteer that immediately came to mind here at CanCare when we think of consistency and passion.

Frank was born in Pittston, Pennsylvania, and later moved to Texas, where he has worked in the hotel industry for 35+ years. Frank loves hunting, fishing, and traveling, but he stresses that overall, he loves donating his time to patients who need to hear hope. It is clear this is his passion as he never says no to taking on a new client.

Frank has been a CanCare volunteer since 2012. He was going through treatment when a fellow CanCare volunteer suggested he would be a great source of hope. We are so glad he listened and joined our organization.

By turning his cancer diagnosis into a calling, Frank is helping others by sharing his journey and showing compassion. After nine years as a volunteer, it is clear he loves sharing hope.  He says, “Cancer gave me the compassion to support others with cancer, to listen to and talk about life’s journey with cancer.”